Saturday, May 24, 2014

And the Dwarf Kept Tumbling Down...


I'm standing in the middle of a road, not a car in site.

My Wife tells me to get out of the road, or I could get hit by a car.

What car? There are no cars on this road. I turn toward one of the directions, gesturing "come and get me," daring any car to flatten me.

I feel something brush against the back of my legs. Turning quickly, there is a small, yellow, square shaped van. It's electric (no wonder I didn't hear it coming!) and it's small. Very small. Like two feet high and two feet wide. I think the driver is pissed at me, for almost causing an accident. The van stops, backs up quickly, slamming into the guard-rail. It pulls forward, then makes a u-turn and starts backing up again, very quickly. I suspect someone small wants to give me a big piece of their mind.

So angry they are, they don't notice a break in the guard-rail, and the mini-mini van tumbles down the side of a rocky cliff.

"Crap!" I say, this person could be hurt.

I begin a careful ascent down the cliff. The van, fortunately, stopped part-way down. I'm trying to get to it, when the door opens, and little man gets out. He's bald, and looks hurt.

"Hang on!" I tell him, I'm coming, I'll pull him up.

He stumbles, loses his balance, and falls further down the cliff, into a small chasm in the rocks. I'm climbing into the chasm, I can see him, he looks slightly more injured. I get closer to him, he loses his grip, falling further.

I go down even more cautiously. He loses his footing, and falls again. This time he hits the bottom, hard. That looks like it hurt! He appears to still be alive. I don't dare try to move him, in case he has a spinal injury or broken neck. No point in climbing all the way down there.

"I'll get help!" I yell to him. Climbing back up, I'll call 911 as soon as I get to the surface. I'm hoping he won't be still angry with me. It's not my fault he went off the cliff. and I climbed down trying to help in, even if I did laugh every time he fell further down, because it really looked quite comical.

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