Thursday, June 11, 2009

A little Socialism is Bad... why?

I hate to get Political (alright, I LOVE to get Political, but I try to fight the urge since people get all weird about it).

Right Wing Mouthpieces are jumping all over President Obama for "taking over the car companies" and for regulating the pay rates of executives at the Banks receiving Govt. bail-out funds (a.k.a. OUR Tax dollars). It's being decried as a "Socialist take over".

I have a few questions about that: When Co.A goes to Financial Institution B for a high risk loan in order to save it's own ass, is it not customary to present a Business Plan detailing how the $$$ will be spent, in order to show that it's a decent risk? When Co.A fails to present a Plan, while also asking for an IMMENSE amount of money, isn't it also common sense for Financial Institution B to take control of said Co. and essentially OWN IT? It's our Tax Dollars that were asked for, therefore OUR Gov. gets that control. It makes sense to me...

And what is Obama doing with that control? Forcing the American Auto Industry to produce a quality car, that gets good gas mileage, at a competitive price. **OOOoooooh! I shudder at the thought...**

For the Banks receiving OUR Tax Dollars, he's reforming the Executive pay rates, so the Executive fat-cats don't receive ridiculous amounts of money (OUR $$$) while failing at the job of controlling the Nation's Economy. **Say it ain't so Joe!!!**

Pardon me while I roll my eyes and flip these Right-Wing Mouth-pieces the bird. If this is Socialism, then it's bad.... why?

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